Past Events

December 14th, 2024

Messiah Sing-A-Long in Brevard

Handel’s Messiah Sing-A-Long was a highlight of our Christmas season.  Coordinated by St. Philip’s Director of Music, Dr. Brittnee Siemon, this beautiful event took place on Saturday, December 14th under the baton of guest conductor Dr. David Gresham, in collaboration with musicians from around the country, enthusiastic singing members of the St. Philip’s Chancel Choir and our Brevard community.

Messiah in Brevard

May 19th Music in Brevard

Sounds at St Philip’s

Sounds at St. Philip’s Season 2, Concert 4:

 A Celebration of St. Mary at Pentecost.  Our Choral Evensong highlighted women in liturgy and in music, featuring Kathryn Rose’s Magnificat, Nunc dimittis, and Psalm setting; Margaret Burk’s Preces and Responses; and anthems and hymns by Elaine Hagenburg, E.E. Hewitt, Mrs. J.J. McClennan, and Florence Price.

Led by the choirs of St. Philip’s under the direction of Dr. Brittnee Siemon with guest Eclectic Collective of Atlanta.

Sunday May 19th - Choral Evensong at St Philip's

Feb 9th Music in Brevard

Sounds at St Philip’s

Sounds at St. Philip’s Season 2, Concert 3:

  What do the Feast of Candlemas, Black History Month, and Groundhog Day have in common? Our Choral Evensong, a centuries-old tradition, provided an answer.

  On Friday, February 9th, guest artist Jonas McCanless joined the St. Philip’s Chancel Choir for a beautiful offering of sung prayers and psalms.  The music and words illustrated the rich historical ties of Spirituals in the American South, English Cathedral Music, and the luminous colors of classical guitar.  

  Featured texts and composer highlights included Precious Lord, Take My Hand, This Little Light of Mine, Great Day!, Samuel Sebastian Wesley’s Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in G Major, Wesley’s setting of Psalm 48, and Louis Armstrong’s What a Wonderful World.

Celebrating Black History Month, this Choral Evensong will feature arrangements of African American spirituals for guitar and choir, set amid a centuries-old tradition of sung prayers and psalms for the Feast of Presentation, commonly known as Candlemas. Presented in Brevard, NC at the St. Philip's Episcopal Church.

December 24   07:30 pm

St Philip’s Episcopal Christmas Carols & Svcs

St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Brevard – 256 E Main St

     The two evening services at 7:30 and 11:00 pm featured St. Philip’s Chancel Choir and Folk Choir members, guest organist Ted Stewart, and regional vocal artists, including Brevard College and Brevard Music Center student alumni and faculty. Enjoy the Carols & Service

November 5, 2023

For the Feast of All Saints

St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Brevard – 256 East Main St

A Choral Evensong led by the Choirs of St. Philip’s under the direction of Dr. Brittnee Siemon.
Guest ABC Viol Consort of Asheville

November 4, 2023


St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Asheville – 337 Charlotte St

Brittnee Siemon mezzo-soprano
Marie Ridolfo soprano
ABC’s Consort of Viols:Gail Ann Schroeder, Lynn Tetenbaum, Webster Williams & Gretchen Gettes
Works by Byrd, Tomkins, Dowland

September 29, 2023

Michaelmas & Feast of All Angels

St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Brevard – 256 E Main St

In celebration of Michaelmas and the Feast of All Angels, the St. Philip’s Choirs and Choral Scholars joined guest chamber musicians of Atlanta’s Amethyst Baroque Ensemble for a beautiful Evensong.  This event featured the music of very early and very contemporary composers.  
The musical juxtaposition of early and late, Heaven and Hell, modern and traditional delighted listeners and brought a new consciousness to this celebrated feast day.
Featured composers included Telemann, Wallace, Ralph Vaughn Williams, Genevan Psalter settings, Bingham, Chedeville and Wagner.  

April 6 – 9, 2023

St. Philip’s Episcopal Holy Week

St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Brevard – 256 E Main St

Good Friday services were led by the choral scholars of St. Philip’s with Jamie Gilson, tenor, portraying the role of Jesus, and baritone, Jonas McCanless, singing the Narrator.  Gabriella Lujon and Kayleigh Miller joined them in the chanting of the Gospel from John.
Saturday evening’s Easter Vigil, the Chancel Choir presented John Trotta’s shimmering a cappella setting of Alleluia.
Easter Day choral works for brass, chorus, and organ highlighted a stunning arrangement of George Elvey’s Crown Him With Many Crowns by Diane Bish.  Other works for brass included an arrangement of Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus, Bach’s Ein feste Burg, and many other festive settings for Easter.  

April 1, 2023   7:30 am

Saturday Night Pops

Porter Center, Brevard College

    The 2023 Brevard Philharmonic season continued!  Selections from Rogers and Hammerstein musicals The Sound of Music, Oklahoma!, Carousel, South Pacific and others. Featured guest, mezzo soprano, Brittnee Siemon.

February 19, 2023 10:30 am

Belonging Sunday

St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Brevard – 256 E Main St

“I can’t recall having such a strong and fitting musical companion for this service since I’ve been here.  Truly rich in what was chosen and how delivered.”

     A collaborative worship experience that offered traditional choral repertoire with additonal gifts from our Folk Choir that included recorder, dulcimer, fiddle and guitar.  Featured was Aaron Humble’s 21st century arrangement of the familiar Shaker tune, We Gather Together. Watch now

February 10, 2023   12:00 pm

She Is…Her Story – Sounds At St. Philip’s

St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Brevard – 256 E Main St

Featured –

  •     Dr. Teri Bickham, soprano
  •     Dr. Jennifer Luiken, mezzo-soprano  
  •     Dr. Elaine Ross, composer, pianist

A recital series curated by soprano Teri Bickham that explored female composers, poets, muses, and famous singers, with a focus on American women composers and how they use text and music to present their own version of Frauen-liebe und Leben (German for “a Woman’s Love and Life”). This story tells of a woman’s own hopes, dreams, love, faith, and partnerships through the many emotions that encompass our lives.

December 24   07:30 pm

St Philip’s Episcopal Christmas Carols & Svcs

St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Brevard – 256 E Main St

     The two evening services at 8:00 and 11:00 pm featured St. Philip’s Chancel Choir and Folk Choir members, guest organist Ted Stewart, and regional vocal artists, including Brevard College and Brevard Music Center student alumni and faculty. Enjoy the Carols & Service

December 9   12:00 pm

Reel Baroque – Sounds At St. Philip’s

St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Brevard – 256 E Main St

Featured –

The Reel Sisters – Rosalind Buda (whistle and Scottish smallpipes) and Kelly Brzozowski (Celtic and Welsh triple harp)

Asheville Baroque Concerts – Gail Ann Schroeder (viola da gamba)

A music event that brought together musical lines of history from Renaissance and Baroque England and traditional folk music of the British Isles.

November 21   7:30 pm

Monty Python Goes to the Opera

Brevard College, Ingram Auditorium

Brevard College voice students presented their fall opera scenes program.

Stage director Brittnee Siemon selected scenes from several Gilbert & Sullivan operettas including Pirates of Penzance, HMS Pinafore, Ruddigore, Trial by Jury, to update by a century (from the 1870s-80s to the 1970s-80s) with fresh lyrics and a modern look. Theatre faculty designer Ida Bostian helped transform the scenes into an 80’s punk revue.

September 9   12:00 pm

Music from Sounds At St. Philip’s

St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Brevard – 256 E Main St

     The 1st of 4 musical events in the 2022 – 23 Season offered by Sounds At St. Philip’s.  This musical event featured music of Johannes Brahms, Henry Purcell, Gary Schocker, Shirley Bustos and Catherine McMichael.  The performing artists were Brittnee Siemon – mezzo soprano, Townes Osborn Miller – flute and Lillian Buss Pearson – piano.